Ingrown Toenail Surgery

We are now offering ingrown toenail assessment and surgery at both our Rosedale and Millwater Clinics.

We are experienced in doing surgery with our number of completed surgeries being 576 at the start of November 2024.

Our services

 We think you should know our prices without having to ask.

The team that helps you

Raven Barnes - Head Podiatrist

Areas of expertise: Specialises in Ingrown Toenail Surgery, diabetic foot health, general podiatry and high risk podiatry.

Raven is currently undertaking her second degree in health science, majoring in oral health treatment.

Clinic: Millwater

Tiffany Chen - Podiatrist

Areas of expertise: Specialises in ACC podiatry, diabetic foot health and general podiatry.

Clinic: Rosedale

Chris Rewi - Podiatrist

Areas of expertise: Diabetic foot health, Diabetic group presentations, Chris is currently part of the Diabetic National Clinical Network for the Northern region who work to improve care and outcomes for all whānau with diabetes in New Zealand. Chris has also become a part of Defeat Diabetes which is an Australian program to help change type 2 diabetes treatment and provide remission for diabetic patients.

Clinic: Millwater, Helensville

From left to right. Chris, Jessica, Raven and Tiffany

From left to right. Chris, Jessica, Raven and Tiffany

Jessica Drake-Walter - Practice Manager

Primary Health Organisations we work with: